“As the skies light up with vibrant kites, and the aroma of festive delicacies fills the air, let’s embrace the joy of this harvest season. May the festivals usher in new beginnings, abundant harvests, and unending happiness in your lives. Let’s celebrate our rich traditions across various states and the bountiful gifts of nature together. Wishing everyone a delightful Pongal, a joyous Makar Sankranti, a vibrant Magh Bihu, and a heartwarming Lohri!” - A S Sahney, Chairman, IndianOil #FestiveGreetings #Pongal #MakarSankranti #MaghBihu #Lohri #FestivalOfHarvest #IndianOil #EnergyOfIndia #FestiveGreetings #Pongal #MakarSankranti #MaghBihu #Lohri #FestivalOfHarvest #IndianOil #EnergyOfIndia
As the skies light up with vibrant kites, and the aroma of festive delicacies fills the air, let’s embrace the joy of this harvest season. May the festivals usher in new beginnings, abundant harvests, and unending happiness to your lives. Let’s celebrate the rich tapestry of our traditions across various states and the bountiful gifts of nature together. Wishing everyone a delightful Pongal, a joyous Makar Sankranti, a vibrant Magh Bihu, and a heartwarming Lohri! - S M Vaidya, Chairman, IndianOil #Pongal #MakarSankranti #MaghBihu #Lohri #FestivalOfHarvest #Pongal #MakarSankranti #MaghBihu #Lohri #FestivalOfHarvest