Parimala Devi, #IndianOil Sportstar, calls for collective action towards making our surroundings cleaner and healthier. This #SwacchtaPakhawada, let's work towards fostering a cleaner India. #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #IndianOil #SwacchtaPakhawada #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023
Pankaj Kumar Rajak, #IndianOil Sportstar, is taking a stand for a greener and cleaner environment. He invites everyone to spread the message of cleanliness and join the #SwachhtaAbhiyan movement. Let's transform our surroundings into healthier places this #SwachhtaPakhwadwa. #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #IndianOil #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhtaPakhwadwa #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023
Dhvaj Haria, #IndianOil Sportstar invites everyone to join the #SwachhtaAbhiyan movement! Let's start with ourselves to make our surroundings a better and cleaner place! Let's pledge to make a difference! #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #SwachhataPakhawada #IndianOil #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #SwachhataPakhawada
Mary Ann Gomes, #IndianOil Sportstar, reminds us that a clean India is a prosperous India. Join us in spreading the message of cleanliness this #SwacchtaPakhwada. #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #IndianOil #SwacchtaPakhwada #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023
Adhiban Baskaran, #IndianOil Sportstar is committed to the #SwachhtaAbhiyan movement and urges everyone to join in! Let's make our surroundings, neighborhood, city, and country, clean. Spread the word and make a difference! #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #SwacchtaPakhwada #IndianOil #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #SwacchtaPakhwada
@adhibanchess , Sportstar is committed to the movement and urges everyone to join in! Let's make our surroundings, neighborhood, city, and country, clean. Spread the word and make a difference! #IndianOil #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #SwachhtaPakhwada