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Brijesh Damani, #IndianOil Sportstar, inspires us to take the pledge towards a cleaner India! Let's spread awareness about the importance of cleanliness and create a positive impact towards a sustainable future. #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #SwacchtaPakhawada #IndianOil #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #SwacchtaPakhawada
Bharat Chhikara, #IndianOil Sportstar, highlights the significance of #SwachhataPakhawada. Maintaining a clean environment is important now more than ever! Let's do our part to ensure a better and safer future for all. #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #IndianOil #SwachhataPakhawada #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023
@bharatchhikaraofficial , Sportstar, highlights the significance of Maintaining a clean environment is important now more than ever! Let's do our part to ensure a better and safer future for all. #IndianOil #SwachhataPakhawada #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023
Rohan Bopanna , #IndianOil Sportstar, underlines the necessity of a clean and green environment. On the occasion of #SwachhtaPakhawada, let's work together and stride towards a #SwachhBharat. #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #IndianOil #SwachhtaPakhawada #SwachhBharat #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023
S K Uthappa, #IndianOil Sportstar pledges to create a healthier environment by taking proactive measures towards cleanliness on #SwacchtaPakhawada. Let's work towards a cleaner and greener India for a brighter future. #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #IndianOil #SwacchtaPakhawada #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023
@uthappa_sk , Sportstar pledges to create a healthier environment by taking proactive measures towards cleanliness on Let's work towards a cleaner and greener India for a brighter future. #IndianOil #SwacchtaPakhawada #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023
@rohanbopanna0403 , Sportstar, underlines the necessity of a clean and green environment. On the occasion of let's work together and stride towards a #IndianOil #SwacchtaPakhawada #SwachhBharat #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023
Raghunath V.R., #IndianOil Sportstar, is inspiring us to step up as responsible citizens for a sustainable future. Let's join him in creating a cleaner and greener environment this #SwacchtaPakhawada. #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023 #IndianOil #SwacchtaPakhawada #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023
@raghuhockey , Sportstar, is inspiring us to step up as responsible citizens for a sustainable future. Let's join him in creating a cleaner and greener environment this #IndianOil #SwacchtaPakhawada #SwachhtaAbhiyan #SwachhSurvekshan2023 #SS2023